Educating Yorkshire is one of the best documentary series I have ever watched. Some of you may have seen a post I did a while ago about the awesome Educating Essex which was the first series of the show. Both series are on Netflix an Amazon Instant Prime now!
I found that Educating Yorkshire was even more amazing than the first series which was set in Essex. I think the teachers and pupils in Educating Yorkshire completely captured the hearts of the British public. I found it great to watch teachers who genuinely cared about the welfare and happiness of their pupils rather than exam results alone.
The show highlights how young people really need the support of teachers during their school career. It seems that good, positive relationships with teachers is a vital part of schooling and something which I feel needs to be addressed more often.
I love watching all the mischief that the cameras catch along with the hilarious moments that pupils have with each other both inside and out with the class room.
I definitely recommend this great documentary series as it is do interesting and yet extremely entertaining. It's definitely worth watching!
Have you guys seen Educating Yorkshire? What did you think of it? Do you wish you had had teachers like the ones in the show? I love hearing from you!